Omega-3 Can Help Your Brain Function Better, Among Other Things

It's been well-known that omega-3 is a vital nutrient. There are many options to ensure you get enough omega-3, including salmon, avocados and walnuts. Omega-3, a grouping of polyunsaturated fat acids, is essential for many functions within the body. These 3 fatty acids include EPA, DHA and ALA. They can be found in fish like salmon, tuna and trout. ALA can also be found in soy and canola oils. You can also take omega-3 as an dietary supplement.

It can fight anxiety and depression

Depression is a very common mental disorder. Anxiety is another common disorder. It's interesting to note that omega-3 supplements have been shown to reduce the risk of depression. People with anxiety or depression who used omega-3 supplements were able to show improvement in their symptoms.

It can improve your eye health

There are three types omg-3 fatty acids: ALA (EPA), and DHA. DHA is an important component of our retinas. Vision problems can develop if the body doesn’t have enough DHA. A reduced risk of macular disease, which is the leading cause of permanent blindness and eye damage worldwide, can be linked to adequate omega-3 intake.

It can increase the risk factors for heart disease

Heart attacks and strokes are the leading causes of death worldwide. Research has shown that the incidence of these diseases is much lower in fish-eating communities. This was later linked to omega-3 intake. Omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with numerous benefits for heart health. They are known to lower blood pressure, increase "good" HDL cholesterol, prevent blood clot formation, reduce inflammation and reduce triglycerides. But, omega-3 hasn't been shown to prevent strokes or heart attacks.

It can fight age-related mental decline

A decline in brain function is one of the inevitable consequences of aging. Numerous studies show that higher intakes of omega-3 have been linked to a decreased risk of Alzheimer's and an age-related mental decline.

It might help you sleep better

We all know that getting enough sleep, and quality sleep, is a key part of our health. Research has shown that people who get less sleep have a greater chance of developing diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and depression. Low levels of DHA can be linked to lower levels of the hormone Melatonin which aids in falling asleep. Research has shown that adequate omega-3 intake can improve the quality and length of your sleep.

It can help your skin

DHA is an important structural component of your skin. DHA is responsible for maintaining the health of cell membranes, which make up a large portion of your skin. Skin that is healthy has a tendency to be soft and supple. EPA is also good for skin. It is able to reduce oil production, skin hydration, premature aging, and the risk of developing acne. Omega-3s are also known to protect skin from sun damage.


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